美服《魔兽世界》猛犸象大军已经启程 世界PvP即将到来

2014-03-29 834


没有什么能像猛犸象移动一样——沉重的脚步踏在地上发出隆隆的轰鸣声,每移动一步,浑身蓬松的毛发便来回摆动,亮的象牙向外突出,睥睨任何胆敢闯入他们行军队伍的人。没有人能像部落公会血之谷的暴力冷血一样了解这些庞然大物的巨大力量。他们都是友好的,偶尔会抽出时间去拜访锦绣谷的联盟邻居。他们的行军始于孪月殿,到七星殿结束 。一旦到达目的地,他们会分享一个小礼物——就是所谓的世界PvP。




Mammoths on Parade
There is nothing quite like a mammoth parade– the rumble of heavy feet stamping the ground in stolid purpose, shaggy dust stained coats swaying to and fro with every movement, shining tusks jutting out in defiance of any who would dare cross their path. No one knows the power of these grand beasts quite like Horde guild Violent Apathy of Bleeding Hollow. Being the neighborly sort they are– they occasionally take time out of their busy day to visit their Alliance neighbors within the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Their march begins within the halls of the Shrine of Two Moons and ends within the Shrine of Seven Stars. Once at their destination, they share a little gift some like to call world PvP.
For more screenshots of their event, visit the Violent Apathy guild site.
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