
2014-03-29 1219


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 Update 2.19: Enurado's Treasures Beta has begun!
 The time to cross through the gate that leads to the first Divine Dimension is here... on the beta server! Surely it will be the chosen few who dare to test this new version, but if you can hold on until April 15, you will all become interdimensional adventurers and treasure hunters! Meanwhile, find out what's waiting for you in Update 2.19: Enurado's Treasures...
Whoah there, careful, watch your step... You might feel a little lightheaded after your first trip through a portal. Also, take a little time to let your eyes adapt to the dazzling decor around you. You'll get used to the intense golden light after a little while, and then you'll be able to see that Enurado is not a legend... it's one of the private residences of Enutrof, the god of wealth and gold!
This new dimension isn't the only gem slotted into the sockets of the update coming on April 15! There's so much more:
Enurado itself contains three new dungeons using the new "monster wave" system, a new series of quests, and new combat modifiers.
Treasure Hunts: A new challenge in DOFUS! Rewards for players of all levels are scattered around the World of Twelve, and you could find them! One tip, make sure you've racked your brains before you dig in with your shovel!
New quests from other dimensional travelers.
A new "mini" map system (the game map can now be moved and maded transparent for easy navigation).
Numbers interface improvements (inventory management optimization, better indications when switching between zones, damage preview when attacking monsters, and more)
Test it out now on the beta server, discuss your finding on the Test Server forum, or meet back here on April 15 for the official release of update 2.19: Enurado's Treasures!


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