
2014-03-31 1060

在大多数情况下比例相当接近100%,所以我们将数据归一为100%。但不幸的是,大多数风暴之眼的胜利仍未记录在你的大部分统计数据里。这个bug已经存在了5年以上了,但我们规范了数据(每个派系~ 7.5% ~ 7.5%的获胜比率)。




Armory Stats - Battleground Win Ratios
Today we are taking a look at the win percentage for each faction and battleground that took place in the last month. To find these numbers, we compared the number of battles and victories a character had in a February snapshot of data to a March snapshot of data.
These numbers come from a character's statistics pane, so any bugs with character statistics will have skewed the results. This means that there isn't any way for us to verify how accurate these numbers are, so do not take them as fact.
Percentages came fairly close to 100% in most cases, so we normalized the data to 100%. Unfortunately it seems that most Eye of the Storm wins are still not recorded in your statistics most of the time. This bug has been around for five or more years now, but we normalized the data we had (~7.5% and ~9.7% win ratios for each faction) for the chart.
The data used today is a sample made up of ~8.6 million level 90 characters and ~10 million battles. The sample is slightly biased, as players who are not in a guild are less likely to appear in our sample.
The major change to note this time is the increase of Horde wins Alterac Valley. You may recall that Patch 5.4.7 changed some things around the Horde base.
December 2013 to January 2014 - Horde won 21.8% of Alterac Valley games.
January to February 2014 - Horde won 20.6% of Alterac Valley games.
February to March 2014 - Horde won 27% of Alterac Valley games.
February to March 2014 - ~10% of players took part in at least 1 Alterac Valley game.


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