十种虚拟现实的方法可以让网络游戏更加真实 洞察力 声音

2014-03-31 580







At last week's Game Developers Conference, people were lined up to try Sony's new virtual reality tech and from all the hubbub, it appeared VR's become the new (old) brass ring in game development the way the Kinect and the PSMove were a few years ago. It's fairly amazing, the current level of enthusiasm for a tech that's been around for some time now and because of this I can't help but wonder; isn't VR just a resurrected retro gimmick?

Don't the current generation of VR peripherals provide the same layer of clunky disconnect their forbears did in years past? Even assuming we had super-futuristic, totally incredible VR tech, how would throwing it into the mix improve games beyond the making them more “real”? In light of these questions, I've created a list of possible ways in which VR could make MMOs more real. You decide if that would be for better or worse.

Adding VR to MMOs dictates they be made in the first person. This increases immersiveness by taking out the middle man, so to speak, and letting you interact with the game world directly. It's weird though, having a character you never actually see. We'd still need playable characters, but if we never lay eyes on our own digital selves would customization then become obsolete? And would we still enjoy acquiring new armor and weapons?

We'd be able to tell where attacks or enemies are coming from and we'd use our sense of hearing more to explore dangerous environments. Sound would become more muffled underwater, more crisp in a snowy environment and would affect communication between party members depending on distance. We'd have to get used to literally whispering to one another and listening to the inevitable feebs who insist on shouting everything they say.

Character Types/Stats
We'd physically experience our characters' unique physical attributes and limitations. Playing huge, lumbering characters becomes much more physically challenging than playing small, agile ones. Skills allay this some; for example, heavy, hard-to-control characters become easier to use by giving them certain abilities.

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