
2014-04-02 1601

欢迎来到Artcraft !我是克里斯罗宾逊,魔兽世界高级艺术总监,今天我们将讨论女性德莱尼的模型改进。在这个博客中,我们将讲解是如何达到现在的设计的,展示前前后后设计的各种形象,谈论这个特殊模型的艺术过程。







Artcraft—Remaking the Female Draenei
Welcome to Artcraft! I’m Chris Robinson, senior art director for World of Warcraft, and today we’ll be discussing the revamp of the female Draenei model. In this blog, we'll touch on how we approached this redesign, show before and after images, and talk about our art process with this particular model.

When we first discussed throwing away the old model and making a new female Draenei from scratch, one topic that kept coming up was the connection between the Lost Ones and the Draenei;  visually, there wasn’t one. We wanted to help a player understand, more viscerally, the connection between the Lost Ones, and their seemingly perfect cousins—the Draenei. Ready to challenge long-standing design conceits, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work.


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