美服《永恒之塔》官方发布新活动 勇者之争赢大奖

2014-04-03 1192

-如何参与 (4月2日到4月16日,适用于46 +级以上玩家)
Baranath Dredgion (B级)46 - 50级
Chantra Dregion(C级) 51-55级
Terath Dredgion(T级) 56+级
Dredgions一天可用三次,在12 AM, 12 PM 和8 PM 。你可以招募自己的团队,或加入其他队伍,或随机分配到某个团队。 -位置
Baranath Dredgion宝箱将只包含耗材。
Chantra和Terath Dredgion将有各种各样的盒子,奖励从消费品到AP奖牌。对于解决Chantra Dredgion和Terath Dredgion的团队,你们可以得到队长宝箱。这些宝箱需要用商店钥匙打开,一定要得到他们 (宝箱中的物品如果实在团队中打开那就鬼队伍所有。专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。
祝你好运 !



Brave the Dredgion Event

- How to Participate - (Available for level 46+ from April 2 through April 16, 2014)
At level 46 and higher, you can enter a Dredgion instance with five other players at your level bracket.

Baranath Dredgion (B-Dredge) – Level 46 to 50
Chantra Dregion (C-Dredge) – Level 51 to 55
Terath Dredgion (T-Dredge) – Level 56+

Dredgions are available three times a day 12 AM, 12 PM and 8 PM server time. You can recruit your own group, join in on another group recruiting, or allow yourself to be randomly placed in a group.

- Location -
Enter the Dredgion instance at 12 AM, 12 PM and 8 PM server time daily. You can enter the instance by clicking on the icon that appears next to the compass during the designated times.

- Rewards -
Treasure Boxes will spawn at various points during a Dredgion instance. The rewards differ by the Dredgion instance.
Baranath Dredgion Treasure Boxes will only contain consumables.
Chantra and Terath Dredgion will have a variety of boxes with rewards ranging from consumables to AP relics to Ceramium Medals. For groups tackling Chantra Dredgion and Terath Dredgion, Captain's Secret Caches are available in the Captain's Cabin. These cache require a key from our store and be sure to loot them (items in cache will be group loot if opened while still in group) before finishing the instance.
Captain's Secret Cache may give you the following rewards:
Major Ancient Crown
Greater Ancient Crown
Ceramium Medal
Blood Mark
Ancient Coin
Enraged Veille's Weapons
Enraged Veille's Armor
Good luck, Daeva!




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