美服《黑金》新职业——魔术士预览 技能全解析

2014-04-04 1745

黑暗已经铺天盖地袭来。邪恶的力量正在看不到的地方肆虐,命运之绳正在颤动,遥远土地上黑影攒动。很多人都害怕这些看不到的恶魔,这种转瞬即逝的幽灵,隐藏在角落。但有极少数的勇敢,甚至是疯狂的人很享受这个—— 它们就是魔术士。


【可用种族】Buvont Lokemean
黑暗灾难:召唤神启暗能量,对5 yrd区域内的敌人造成三倍伤害效果。




There is a terrible darkness that pervades the world. Sinister forces play behind the scenes, pulling at the strings bound round the fates and descending swiftly through the shadows over the far reaches of the land. Many come to fear this unseen evil, this flitting specter that hides just beyond the corner of the eye, this unforgiving cool that settles on the neck in deep of night. There are a brave, perhaps mad, few who savor it. These are the Thaumaturges.
The dark clerics of an apocalyptic order, the Thaumaturges summon powerful demonic forces to their aid. Through the careful study of hidden arts and forbidden practices, the Thaumaturges bridge the narrow screen between the world of the living and the nether world beyond. Working unheard of miracles, the Thaumaturge explores the dark recesses of the unseen world, the realm of the roiling, impending blackness that threatens to engulf existence itself. All things end, and the Thaumaturges revel in the coming black, the unstoppable tide of nothingness.
【Available Races】Buvont, Lokemean
【Role Specialization】Range DPS, Battlefield Summoning
【Weapon of Choice】Magic Staff, Enchanted Scepter, Mystic Vial
【Armor Proficiency】Cloth Armor
【Class Trait】The Thaumaturge beckons dark spirits and miraculous forces for powerful long-range, continuous damage casting. Thaumatauges march into battle with demonic companions, who fight to the very end of their already lost lives to the aid of their master. Battlefield summoning and ranged casting make the Thaumaturge a formidable support and ranged DPS role.
Special Moves
Dark Catastrophe: Summons an apocalyptic hellstorm of dark energy down around self, causing triple damage on enemies within 5 yrd radius area of effect.
Demonic Quickening: On a targeted area brings forth from under foot a binding demon, restraining the affected enemy in place while dealing heavy magical damage
Flitting Spirit: Thaumaturge becomes possessed by a powerful paranormal force, gaining increased speed and agility plus reduced abiliy cool-downs for quick-casting





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