美服《魔兽世界》Battle.net未受Heartbleed安全漏洞影响 改密加强安全

2014-04-11 1061

许多新闻网站报告了OpenSSL出现的漏洞(称为Heartbleed bug),OpenSSL是被大多数网站和在线服务,包括银行、电子邮件、社交媒体等使用的加密技术,在敏感数据在传输的过程中给与保护。



Many news sites are reporting a vulnerability (dubbed the Heartbleed bug) discovered in OpenSSL, an encryption technology used by a majority of websites and online services—including banks, email providers, and social media sites—to protect sensitive data as it’s transmitted from users to web services.

We want to emphasize that Battle.net's encryption was not affected by this vulnerability. However, if you use the same password on Battle.net that you use elsewhere, your Battle.net account could be at risk if those sites were affected by this bug.

If the above situation applies to you, we recommend changing your Battle.net password to a new, unique password. As always, we recommend that you maintain separate login credentials for each online service you use. Using the same email or password across multiple services greatly increases the potential impact of any compromise.

More information about the Heartbleed vulnerability can be found at http://heartbleed.com, and you can find additional information on how to protect your Battle.net accounts at http://www.battle.net/security.



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