美服《DOFUS》更新2.19最新内容展示 更新带来全新体验

2014-04-14 840


财富、金币、流着口水的怪物,参与过beta测试的玩家已经窥见了Enurado里的各种奇迹。现在,我们将会发布一个视频,向大家展示4月15日即将到来的新内容! Enurado包含三个新的地下城,一系列新任务,战斗修改器和使用一波又一波的怪物新的作战系统。 寻宝游戏——DOFUS新挑战,允许所有级别的玩家寻找隐藏在十二世界的各种宝藏。准备好自己吧! 新维度旅行任务 一个新的可移动的、透明的世界地图,更容易导航 大量的界面改进:库存优化、改善区域之间的转换、损害预览以及更多。 我们希望能在4月15日在更新2.19:Enurado的珍宝中看到你的到来!



Solid gold content in 2.19
Wealth, gold, and big drooly monsters, those of you who have tested the beta have already been to Enurado and glimpsed these wonders. But now, we have a DOFUS Time video to show the rest of you what's to come on April 15!
And here's a list of what you can expect, just in case your video player is giving you grief...
Enurado contains three new dungeons, a new series of quests, combat modifiers, and a new combat system using waves of monsters.
Treasure Hunting, a new DOFUS challenge that allows players of all levels to search for treasures hidden around the World of Twelve. Bring your wits as well as your shovel!
New Dimensional Traveler quests
A new moveable, transparent mini-map for easier world navigation
Numerous interface improvements: inventory optimization, improved transitions between zones, damage previews, and more.
We'll see you on April 15 for Update 2.19: Enurado's Treasures!

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