美服《Trove》更多关于支持层、奖励和即时 Alpha访问

2014-04-15 2269





了解更多关于支持层、奖励和即时 Alpha访问,请访问支持 Trove页面。专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。


Trion Worlds has announced that Trove is ready for the wider public to join the game. Players supporting the game at the $20 or higher level will receive instant access to the game. Other packages include the $5 (no instant access), $50 and $100 levels.

Trove began as an idea: a world of endless adventure and creation that would be built from the ground up by devs and the community alike. Now – thanks to your contributions! – Trove has gone from a blank canvas of blocks and dreams to the beginnings of a multiverse full of worlds ready for you to explore.

We are happy to announce that Trove has reached a milestone where we’re ready to invite more players into the world: Starting today, players who support Trove at the Adventurer level or higher will receive instant access to the Trove Alpha!

Thank you to all our early supporters and Alpha testers – you’ve done an incredible job. And to all those who are about to test Trove, welcome! Join the developers and community on Facebook and reddit for a deeper look at the game and enjoy adventuring, exploring, and creating with many more players as Trove breaks ground on a much larger future.

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