美服《Defiance》Arktech DLC发动革命 新内容带给免费玩家新功能

2014-04-16 1279






Trion Worlds has announced that the fifth DLC for Defiance has officially launched. Called "Arktech Revolution", the new content brings a ton of new features to free players including an increased EGO rating cap, EGO rating progression, expert co-op maps, dynamic event scaling and much more. Subscribers will also receive a Chimera Arktech Kit, access to daily Chimera contracts and more.

Expert Co-Op Maps: Team up with your fellow ark hunters to tackle new expert versions of all co-op maps featuring the new enemy difficulty tiers! Defeating these challenging instances will not only reward you boasting rights but also new special tokens that can be spent to purchase legendary weapons and mods directly from certain vendors.

Dynamic Event Scaling: Events will now dynamically adjust their difficulty based on the players participating in or joining them. Low EGO rating players will be able to stand in fights with these high-level foes by means of a special temporary buff.

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