美服《Dofus》更新2.19全面上线 寻宝游戏正式开始

2014-04-16 1234


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更新2.19上线:现在可以自由进入全新的空间! 你将看到的怪物(为房子的主人工作)——守财奴Enutrof,正在维护宝盒的安全。最凶恶的是谁?Nidas国王,为了背负着的王国,它可以将自己的灵魂出卖给Sram……发现2.19更新!



  Let the Great Treasure Hunt BEGIN!
Update 2.19 is now live: you're literally about to enter a new dimension! The monsters you'll see, working for the master of the house, Enutrof the Miser, are upholding chest law. The most vicious of them all? King Nidas, who would sell his soul to Sram for the very kingdom that was entrusted to him... Discover the 2.19 update before rushing into the game!
As of right now, the Treasure Hunt is afoot!
It starts in Enurado and will only end once you'll have unearthed all the wonders hidden in the World of Twelve. Know that you can't tell a hunter by his level, and that you all will be able to lose yourselves in this orichor rush and many other treasures!
Beware, you poor pitiful you! Don't throw yourself in the insane ensorcellment of King Nidas yet! A few tips can help you snatch triumph from all his traps...
First of all, check the 2.19 Update page. It's full of precious information that will tell you where you're going.
Then check out the Enurado gameplay trailer to get a clearer picture...
Happy treasure hunting to all (and to all levels)!


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