美服《龙翅汤》:RPG-Roguelike中带有幽默和乐趣 灵感来自童话故事

2014-04-16 598



Dragon Fin Soup isn’t trying to start a revolution, but it is bringing the nostalgia factor and blending it with modern gameplay and a ton of humor. The upcoming RPG blended with roguelike gameplay elements is inspired by the kinds of games the developers (Grimm Bros, a five man team) want to play and spent much time playing. When they got together and left AAA development, where they had decades between them, it came down to deciding just what their first project would be as an independent studio. Dragon Fin Soup is that project, and it’s a fun, darkly humorous take on the 90s JRPG that draws inspiration from fairy tales and then twists them.

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