美服《魔兽世界》:艾泽拉斯直升机首次亮相 团队部落PK团队联盟

2014-04-18 984

在暴雪娱乐和摩托车传奇Paul jr.之间的新创企业形成了一个称为艾泽拉斯直升机的网络系列。由Chris Metzen领导的团队联盟和Sam Didier领导的团队部落,被指控《魔兽世界》再现摩托车系列。

由传奇直升机制造者Paul Jr.领导的团队部落将面临与团队联盟交战,以确定这史诗般定制的自行车将成为顶尖的终极对决。当一切尘埃落定,最终的设计透露你将投票决定哪一种机械奇迹将被重新创建作为一个免费的游戏安装。专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。



A new venture between Blizzard Entertainment and motorcycle legend Paul Jr. has resulted in a web series called Azeroth Choppers. Team Alliance, led by Chris Metzen, and Team Horde, led by Sam Didier, are charged with faithfully recreating World of Warcraft bikes during the ongoing series.

Led by legendary chopper builder Paul Jr., Team Horde will face off against Team Alliance to determine which epic custom-built bike will come out on top in the ultimate showdown. When the dust settles and the final designs are revealed it will be YOUR vote that decides which of these mechanical marvels will be recreated as a free in-game mount.


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