美服《堡垒之夜》行动构建游戏职业 玩家可以回收和重建家园

2014-04-19 1146

《堡垒之夜》团队一直忙于GameInformer.com显示游戏的三个职业:突击队,忍者和构造器。《堡垒之夜》玩家可以回收和重建家园,被称为 The Storm。





The Fortnite team has been busy over at GameInformer.com by revealing three of the game's classes: The Commando, Ninja and Constructor. Fortnite allows players to reclaim and rebuild their homeland that has been taken by something known as The Storm.

*The Commando is tailor made for, as the name implies, shooter fans. This class is more action-oriented rather than building oriented.
*The Ninja is for those players who prefer in your face combat melee-style. Ninjas use bladed weapons and speed.
*The Constructor is the game's builder class.

Band together online to build extravagant forts, find or build insane weapons and traps and protect your towns from the strange monsters that emerge during the Storm. In an action experience from the only company smart enough to attach chainsaws to guns, get out there to push back the Storm and save the world. And don't forget to loot all the things.

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