美服《蒸汽之城》欧洲服务器开服在即 玩家转服预览

2014-04-19 1164


如何转移 Electrum:



Long-expected EU Server Arriving Soon
Finally! EU Server Around the Corner!
Heads up all European CoS players!
First off, we’d want to thank you all for making the US servers more vibrant, some might have to stay up late or get up early. And we know many of you have been waiting for a server physically located in EU from day 1 (we still have those requests, emails, PMs, etc).
Now we have the capability to provide a European game service in English! The maintenance team has started on a proper location to host the new server, and of course, we have lots of preparation to do as well. There will be another announcement up when a date is settled.
How about Existing EU Players?
For all European players who played on US servers, we can transfer all your remaining Electrum to the new EU server after deduction from the US one.
Unfortunately, characters cannot be transferred manually between databases so we can’t transfer US characters to the new European server.
How to get Electrum transferred:
1.    Write us an email (support@mechanist.co);
2.    List character names and playing US servers, along with Electrum balance (screenshot works as well);
3.    Transferred Electrum quantity will be based upon provided quantity and backend log;
4.    Electrum can only be transferred when player payment has cleared (a fraud prevention measure).
5.    Have a look at your account after EU server is up and confirm the Electrum was transferred successfully.

One more US Server

A new US East Coast server will also launch along with the EU server, so players who live in the East Coast will have a better game service available soon, too. Anyone who wants to transfer their remaining Electrum can reach us at support@mechanist.co with necessary info.

In addition, we’ve started on a list of new server events that will go live with both these 2 new servers! Be sure to keep an eye on our official website for more news, updates and events.



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