
2014-04-23 1260

在最新的魔兽开发资源中,摩根与首席设计师Hazzikostas、Kris Zierhut、高级游戏设计师 Brian Holinka一起讨论了德拉诺之王PvP和职业的更新状况。观众也可以看到新PvP区域Ashran的更新状态。
Ashran 有点像永恒岛。玩家可以去探索岛屿、杀死其他玩家和生物、获得对PvP有益的物品。



WoW Source: Warlords of Draenor PvP and Class Updates
In the latest episode of WoW Source, Morgan Webb sits down with Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas, Lead Class Designer Kris Zierhut, and Senior Game Designer Brian Holinka to discuss the PvP and class updates coming in Warlords of Draenor. Viewers will also get a sneak peek at the new PvP zone Ashran and learn more about the return of Skirmishes. Enjoy!
There have been some big changes to the starting experiences shown off at Blizzcon. This is one of the reasons that beta has not yet started.
There was too much CC in Mists of Pandaria PvP, which upset a lot of players. It is still an important and necessary part of PvP though!
Diminishing Return categories were also too complicated, so the number of categories was reduced for Warlords of Draenor. Even with the changes, many of the popular arena comps are still viable.
PvP gear will have a second item level that activates when you are doing PvP. This allows the PvP gear to be useful in other parts of the game while having it remain the best gear for PvP.
Ashran will be somewhat like a Timeless Isle for PvP. Players can go there, explore the island, kill some players and creatures, and earn some things that will benefit them in PvP.
Ashran will have a Horde and Alliance fortress on opposite ends of the island, with staging areas behind each base. This area will have vendors, let you duel, and be a place for PvP players to hang out. Each faction's base is fully manned with NPCs that are fighting a battle. The main battle takes place in the center, slowly pushing towards the other faction's fortress. There are objectives on the outer edges of the island. It shouldn't feel too much like a battleground, more like unstructured PvP with some points of interest. Ashran won't be ready for the initial builds.
There will be an alpha realm that is only for PvP, with premade level 100 characters only and most of the world disabled. This will allow a longer period of feedback on PvP changes than previous betas have had.
Raid testing will also start taking place earlier, as tech is in place to let you zone in to Blackrock Foundry at level 92 and temporarily be increased to level 100 for raid testing.
Skirmishes will have a random reward at the end, honor, battleground gear, or maybe even conquest gear. You can solo queue and will be matched with another player of the appropriate role.
Random battlegrounds are popular because they are a solo queue experience, so skirmishes will hopefully allow a lot of players who have never done arenas before to start doing them.



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