美服《黑金》新功能——防御预览 能源战基本打法说明

2014-04-24 1266







 A Peek at Defenses
The Battlegrounds and Energy Well battles feature a variety of dynamic environmental features that players can interact with. Among these, Defensive Structures play in important role.
Defensive structures appear throughout different types of battleground maps, and can range from the extremely simple to the dangerously powerful. These environmental features, such as fences, walls, and turrets, add a defensive aspect to the battle, constricting movement and harassing the enemy as they advance.
Energy Wells battles offer a unique opportunity for players to utilize Siege carriers and Defensive Structures. We’ll be revealing more info about Energy Wells battles in the future, but here’s a special peek:
Players begin on opposing ends and fight over strategic points in the middle
Players begin on opposite ends of the map, as an Assaulting team and Defensive team. The goal of each is to destroy or defend special Energy Pillars on the map. Before the battle, leaders will make defensive preparations, from placing auto-firing and man-able turrets to summoning protective Bosses. As the battle proceeds, the two sides battle for control, as the Assault team seeks to break through the barricades and destroy the Energy Pillar in the Defender’s base.
Defensive turrets and impassable walls become a bane as the Assaulting team tries to move forward. Only with the help of the heavily armored Siege carriers can players hope to break through. This "Rock, Paper, Scissors" arrangement, in which Assault can overpower Siege, Siege can destroy Defenses, and Defenses can repel Assault, puts the focus on tactics and teamwork in order to triumph.
Here’s a closer look at a few of these mighty battering beasts and siege engines players will see in Black Gold Online

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