
2014-04-28 1754

走近Bat.-Châtillon 155 58
坦克世界中有很多独特的坦克,本期的走近系列我们关注的是法系Bat.-Châtillon 155 58
155 58的大炮不仅四轮同时驱动的弹药自动装填器,它还能够反复地集中火力攻击敌人——旋转360度,让你准确地不停地射击。鉴于底盘以快速中型坦克为基础,155 58能够在战场迅速移动,致使敌人难以集中火力。自动装填的长常见特征有,在重新加载之前要等待很长时间,所以一定要明智选择。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。

开始日期:4月28日星期一04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)
结束日期:5月12日星期一04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)




 On Track to the Bat.-Châtillon 155 58
There are many unique vehicles in World of Tanks, and this latest On Track zeroes in on the French Bat.-Châtillon 155 58, a tier X auto-loading artillery!
The 155 58's cannon is not only a four-round magazine auto-loader, capable of barraging enemies repeatedly -- it also has the luxury of being able to traverse a complete 360 degrees, allowing you to accurately fire away. Given that the chasis is based off of a quick medium tank, the Bat.-Châtillon 155 58 is able to tactically move around the battlefield swiftly, making it extremely difficult for enemy artillery to counter-fire. As is usual with auto-loaders, there is a lengthy wait while reloading the clip so be sure to choose your shots wisely!
Don't forget that the On Track events have expanded, and now you can share your quest to the top. Details below!
Start Date: Monday, April 28, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)
End Date: Monday, May 12, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)

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