美服《TEAR》:迎来了第二个生日 全新的职业-《收割者》

2014-05-02 938




En Masse Entertainment has announced that the recently announced Reaper class for TERA will be released on May 13th as part of the ongoing second anniversary celebration for the game. The reaper is both a mid-range and close combat fighter wielding two weapons.

En Masse Entertainment, a player driven publisher focused on delivering great games and exceptional service,is excited to announce that its popular action MMORPG, TERA: Rising, is celebrating its second birthday with an all-new class, the reaper, which will launch on May 13, 2014. Launched two years ago today as TERA, the game’s visceral console-style action combat has resonated well with gamers, drawing in over 3 million players to date. The latest in a long-running series of significant content updates, the reaper is set to shake up the game’s now established class base for both veterans and new players alike.

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