美服《解放圣城》五月是重大新闻月 了解更多游戏信息

2014-05-03 981





The latest update for Camelot Unchained has been posted. In it, there are some really terrific concept art shots and the news that hiring is going at a fast pace. In addition, we're teased with the idea that May could be a big news month for those clamoring to know more about the game.

Finally, and most importantly, we are in the process of preparing a very special event for Camelot Unchained. All I’ll say about it in text is that its working title is “BSC Days in May.” For all the details, please listen to the video, it’s much more fun that way! This is going to be an important event for Camelot Unchained and our Backers and I hope you all are as excited as we are by what we will be presenting this month.

Again, our deepest thanks and appreciation. It’s been a great year and without your help we wouldn’t have even made it this far. So, from all of us at CSE and especially from Andrew and I, thank you all very much!

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