
2014-05-03 1871

在本周末的CCP Fanfest2014《星战前夜》团队走上舞台,讨论其新的发展模式,每年发布的内容扩展虽然很短小但是非常有意思,今年夏天的第一部分新的发展模式是Kronos。

Kronos也标志着《星战前夜》发展的一个重大转变,每年的两次扩张大约10版本,CCP的目标是提供更多的内容,更加频繁,其家喻户晓的玩家基础 . .




During this weekend's CCP Fanfest 2014, the EVE Online team took to the stage to discuss its new development model that will see up to ten meaningful, yet smaller, content expansions released each year. The summer's first installment in the new development model is Kronos.

Kronos also marks a major shift in EVE development from two expansions per year to around 10 releases annually as CCP aims to deliver more content, more frequently, to its legendary playerbase..

Vast industrial operations are behind the famous player wars that rage across EVE’s sprawling universe, while smaller individual efforts generate wealth, meaning and power at a personal level. Kronos will create dynamic shifts in the industrial landscape by adding cost-scale differences, specialized workers and teams, changes to reprocessing, and more.

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