
2014-05-05 1089

目前,没有计划对boss使用有限尝试。在寒冰皇冠时,限制尝试鼓励raiders在真正启用主要角色之前, 使用alt raids学习战斗。它在巫妖王中确实作用挺大,但这次不行,玩家必须使用自己主要的角色。
补丁6.0将持续大约4 - 6周,以测试更改。专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。



Warlords of Draenor Raids
No Mythic only bosses are planned for the first Tier in Warlords of Draenor, as they usually fit better in a larger raid zone. This doesn't mean there won't be any in the future.
There are no plans to use limited attempts for any Warlords of Draenor bosses right now. In Icecrown, the limited attempts encouraged raiders to use alt raids to learn the fights before using their main characters. It did work well on the Lich King, as alts couldn't get that far, so players had to use their main character.
Tier 14 and Tier 15 could have gone on a little bit longer in order to reduce the amount of time that Siege of Orgrimmar was the current raid.
Making an expansion is harder than making a patch, as expansions improve systems and add new features rather than just adding some new content. This usually takes longer than expected, which makes the timeline for release less predictable.
The Mists of Pandaria beta was different because so many people needed an invite from the Annual Pass. This time around, beta will be more limited and only used for testing and feedback.
Fourteen of the seventeen raid bosses have already been tested internally, and by the time guilds are invited all seventeen bosses will likely be ready for testing.
More people are being hired every expansion, but there is ramp up time for the new people. Having a larger team presents some challenges, but things should be better from Warlords on.
Flexible size raids will allow you to have anywhere from 10 to 30 players in a raid, provided client and server performance is okay.
No vehicle fights are planned for Warlords of Draenor.
Integration with the environment worked out well on Siegecrafter, so we might see more fights where the room is involved with the fight.
The Immortal achievement only worked because Naxx was relatively easy.
When testing Flex on the Patch 5.4 PTR, gear was initially scaled down too much. This resulted in the raid feeling more like normal than flex, which was a demonstration that scaling would work for normal too.
The pacing of the legendary reward in Patch 5.2 worked out well, as Throne of Thunder was cleared before people got their legendary meta gems. In Patch 5.4, players got the legendary on day 1, which didn't work out as well. A delay of a few weeks would work better. Having to redo the grinding parts of the quest chain again on alts also wasn't great, so in the future this would be something that you can skip.
Patch 6.0 will be live for ~4-6 weeks to allow for testing of the changes.




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