美服《DOTA2》用户数量超过《魔兽世界》 “用户”用词不当

2014-05-07 1447





World of Warcraft can no longer claim to have more subscribers than any other game on the planet. DOTA2 now claims 7.86 million subscribers. The numbers, however, come with the caveat that "subscriber" to DOTA2 is a misnomer as the game is free to play, whereas WoW sees subscribers paying $15 per month to play.

Dagla, a Reddit user, noticed that DOTA 2's official blog page, which houses a counter tracking where the number of unique players are tracked, showed the number of players as 7.86 million. This exceeded the number of subscribers World of Warcraft had. When Activision shared the details, it had reported 7.8 million subscribers.

World of Warcraft subscribers will have to shell out $15 in order to access the game every month, compared to DOTA 2 which is free-to-play and also allows players to access all the characters in the game for no cost at all, GameSpot reported.

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