
2014-05-10 1077

Zonya性感的嗓音很有魅力,但她残忍的行为方式却充满了传奇色彩。据传她还是个孩子的时候,就把奥格瑞玛中甲壳虫的触角拉断,样她就可以看着他们痛苦的尖叫,乱作一团。 我也听说迅鬃斑马像发疯的鸡一样在北贫瘠之地到处乱跑,因为zhevra目睹了Zonya对其他动物做了很可怕的事情。她不是个好人!


Crithto:施虐狂Zonya可以在石爪山脉找到。她就在离Krom 'gar要塞不远的路边。跟她的行为很匹配,她有着令人生畏的团队,包括了野兽巨蟒;生物Odoron;和野兽Acidous。为了能让你继续理解宠物的优点和缺点,你的团队将包括6级人形,6级元素和七级生物。同时,建议你们,如果你碰巧赢了那就赶快跑!



 Major Payne’s Advanced Pet Battles Training: Zonya the Sadist
The sultry voice of Zonya can be mesmerizing, but her sadistic ways are the stuff of legend. It’s rumored she used to pull the feelers off beetles in Orgrimmar when she was a kid so she could watch them wander in confusion while they screamed in pain. I’ve also heard that the reason Swiftmane runs around Northern Barrens like a rabid chicken is because of something horrible the zhevra witnessed Zonya doing to the other animals in the area. Let’s just say she’s not very nice!
When I’ve challenged her in the past, she wasn’t too gracious in defeat—and I have the scars to prove it. Zonya’s someone I wouldn’t want to mess with unless I absolutely had to, and that’s why I’m sending you to pay her a visit. Stop your pouting!
Crithto is here to tell you more about this Master Pet Tamer who probably won’t react well to losing.
Crithto: Zonya the Sadist can be found in Stonetalon Mountains along the Webwinder Path. She’s off to the side of the road not far from Krom’gar Fortress, south from Windshear Hold. Befitting her demeanor, she has an intimidating team consisting of Constrictor, a Beast; Odoron, a Critter; and Acidous, also a Beast. In order to make sure you continue to understand pet family strengths and weaknesses, your team will consist of a level-6 Humanoid, a level-6 Elemental, and a level-7 Critter in that order. Hopefully I don’t need to remind you about the rarity of your team. Also, it’s advised that if you happen to win, just run—run like the wind!
Years ago, I met a fortuneteller named Tia Dalma who asked for payment before she’d tell my fortune. In response, I gave her an undead monkey. She liked it, but she also didn’t care much for my incredible confidence. Ignoring that hex she put on me, my encounter with Tia reminds me of Zonya, except Zonya is a bit less charming . . . and a lot more dangerous.

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