
2014-05-12 1235





*惊喜EXP包,你可以支付99 CPs打开它并获得10 个EXP球



*快乐物品袋流星滚动(B)x7,+ 2石头(B)x7,+ 2骏马(B)x7,惊喜物品袋

*惊喜物品包,你可以支付199 Cps 得到7流星卷轴,7 + 2石头,+ 2骏马。


*尖叫包,你可以支付1999 CPs 得到7天黑暗巫师,7天熊猫酒仙


As the celebration of the 11th Anniversary for Conquer Online is right around the corner, MMORPG.com has prepared for Conquer Online's birthday a great deal of limited gift packs! Join a renowned PvP world in Conquer Online, and rejoice with players from all around the world!

Each gift pack key will grant you the following items:

*Big Pleasure Bag A Pleasure EXP Bag, a Pleasure Equipment Bag, a Pleasure Item Bag, and an Exclamation Bag

*Pleasure EXP Bag EXP Ball (B) x7, EXP Potion (B) x7, Big Praying Stone (B) x1, and a Surprise EXP Bag.

*Surprise EXP Bag You can pay 99 CPs to open it to get 10 EXP Balls.

*Pleasure Equipment Bag A set of Level 70 Super +1 equipment (B) (including a selectable 1-soc weapon based on your class), and a Surprise Equipment Bag

*Surprise Equipment Bag You can pay 999 CPs to get a set of Super equipment (including a select 1-soc weapon based on your class)

*Pleasure Item Bag Meteor Scroll (B) x7, +2 Stone (B) x7, +2 Steed (B) x7, and a Surprise Item Bag.

*Surprise Item Bag You can pay 199 Cps to get 7 Meteor Scrolls, 7 +2 Stones, and a +2 Steed.

*Exclamation Bag 7-day Dark Wizard (B), a 7-day Winebibber Panda (B), and a Scream Bag

*Scream Bag You can pay 1,999 CPs to get a 7-day Dark Wizard, and a 7-day Winebibber Panda.

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