
2014-05-12 941

今天我们来各个难度下,玩家在决战,奥格瑞玛中的进展情况。由于成就是账户共享的,所以我们可以根据账户进行分组,了解每个难度中,击败一个boss 的玩家比例。





Armory Stats - Siege of Orgrimmar Progression
Today we are taking a look at the Siege of Orgrimmar progression of players in each difficulty. Now that achievements are account wide, we can group characters by account and get an idea of what percentage of players (not characters) have defeated a boss on any difficulty at least once, based on progression data.

The data used today is a sample made up of 7.3 million characters from 2.3 million accounts, with at least one character active after March 15. The sample is slightly biased, as players who are not in a guild are much less likely to appear in our sample.

The second chart uses the number of players that killed Immerseus in each difficulty as the base of participating players for that difficulty. Each difficulty can be toggled on and off by clicking the name in the legend.

We looked at per wing stats in December 2013 and per boss stats in January 2014.



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