美服《坦克世界》走进苏系10级顶级中型坦克Object 430

2014-05-12 1590

苏系10级顶级中型坦克Object 430
驾驶中型坦克的玩家在本期的走进活动中要享受大礼了,因为此次我们关注的是苏系三大顶级中型坦克之一的Object 430。Object 430不仅比其他10级坦克拥有更高的等级,也拥有可以说是最好的倾斜船体。它就像移动的飞碟,也正因为如此,它的伪装等级也非常高。使用得当的话,它甚至可以作为中型侦察机了。

开始日期:5月12日星期一04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)
结束日期:5月26日星期一04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)





  On Track to the Object 430
Medium tank drivers are in for a treat as this latest On Track highlights the Object 430, one of three Soviet tier X medium tanks. The Object 430 enjoys not only a higher armor rating than its tier X brethren, but it also boasts arguably the best sloped hull. This tank is behaves like a saucer on wheels, and because of it, its camouflage rating is quite good. It can even serve as a medium-scout when played correctly.
As part of the On Track, we've added Credit bonuses and Premium bundles to help you during your quest to the top. As a final reward, those savvy tank commanders who complete the mission objectives will receive the Soviet Lend-Lease Matilda IV, a tier V Premium medium tank that will ensure your future Object 430 crews are seasoned vets!
Start Date: Monday, May 12, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)
End Date: Monday, May 26, 04:00 PDT (07:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC)

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