美服《上古世纪》: Alpha技巧及1-20等级的窍门

2014-05-13 1199





I'm a little late getting into the alpha. So as I go I will be showing things I learned. From both going to max in RU ArcheAge and playing in NA ArcheAge. I have an unique experience of experiencing both now. Which has actually helped me a lot. I hope that experience will help new people get used to the game as well.

This game makes good use of your time. So the more efficient you use your time. The faster you can level and more gold you will make in the game. Also don't be scared of trade skills. I see a lot of people seem a little daunted about the amount of them. It's really simple to get into. Just take your time and read each craft skill. I will make a more closer look at trade skills soon. I want to level higher so I have better showing of the game before I do things like that.

For now this is an outlook of things from an 1-20 perspective. So pretty much when you just get into the game. This should help you be more comfortable.

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