
2014-05-15 1613






The Zam network has launched a new Elder Scrolls Online related site called ESOutpost.com. The site aims to fill the gap created the game's lack of a trading system.

Using ESOutpost.com’s add-on, available through ESOUI.com and the Minion client, players can generate a code based on an item in their inventory and paste it into the site’s trade creator. They can then choose to trade the item (or gold) for other items, materials, gold or any combination thereof. From there the trade appears on the site and is easily searchable using one of the many filter/quick search features.

Each individual trade also features:

*Customizable description field for more product info
*Optional screenshot attachment
*Dedicated comment section
*Views and bookmarks tracking
*‘Bump-to-the-top’ feature
*Report feature
*Post-trade Feedback

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