美服《激战2》金币 三个新职业,保护者、盗贼和工程师

2014-05-15 1145





There are 3 new professions in Guild Wars 2, they are Guardian, Thief, and Engineer. The Guardian is quite the Warrior Cleric, you can focus on healing or damage if you want to play this profession. You should note that player’s plaint the loss of the monk and you need to collect Guild Wars 2 gold. The Thief has many things we have expected; he is good at disguises and hides into shadows.

The Engineer have no magic power, he wields grenades, bombs, mines, backpack kits and weapon kits; mechanical items and gadgets, definitely a special profession to introduced into a great appealing MMO. Guild Wars 2 is different from other hot MMO games, player need to have cheap Guild Wars 2 gold and build a background story for his character wielding a multiple option framework. This is in order to make your option of race becomes funny, since all the races have their own questions you need to answer.

Let’s take an instance, if you are a Norn, are you Leopard, Bear, Wolf, or Raven? Your answer has a key influence on your character, and builds for you a set of instanced and personal, quests. Players usually buy Guild Wars 2 gold for power leveling. Most of then get various options to make: are you planning to Rescue a group of innocents from a massacre or protect your best buddy’s life. When you finished the background story for your character, you should have a name and prepare to start out your play.

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