美服《激战2》:欢迎中国加入到《激战2》的大家庭 这周的主题是分形

2014-05-17 831






May 15th we can welcome the Chinese to the Guild Wars 2 family. As for us we have the Queens Pavilion returning. I am interested to see how that's going to work. Because I'm quite stronger than I was back then. And if we are going to get new bosses. And new loot accompanied with maybe the most fun farm area in the game.

My topic for this week is fractals. They pretty much become the red headed step child of the game. No one wants to do them really beyond the people who like torture. You don't actually need anything out of them. So that makes them even less desirable. And the skins from them better things can be purchased in the store.

They do have some interesting rewards. But really nothing makes you desire to say I got to do them. I think fractals should be end game. They should be based off of points in Guild Wars lore. Maybe allow us to take on past fights from part one. Which I'm sure everyone would love. You can make some fractals simply historic boss fights. Or have it so we must make sure a specific event happens in the time line.

The point is a lot of potential for greatness is being wasted in fractals. And I just wish they had more meaning than they do right now.

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