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2014-05-19 1485

对于额外的效果,似乎你只能重新锻造从Sinestral庄园和Cultist's Refuge得到的升级武器和防具片。它们不可交易,所以只供自己使用而不是出售。虽然如此,但附加效果依然是很有趣的。




In the May 13th patch note the following is written about Flawless Crafting:
Flawless gear can have improved stats or additional effects—such as deadly poison or pulsing flame—or make an unenchantable item enchantable.
What this means is that you are able to "reforge" a weapon such as the Rare level 22 weapon from Bastion of Lok to have additional stats like the example below. For science my guildie and I have spent some PP and gold to see what they do.
There are three effects for weapons known so far:
Toxicity: Deadly poison. Enemy HP decreases by 227 every 1 second for 5 seconds.
Lightning: Enemy HP decreases by 887 every 1 second for 5 seconds. Reduces movement speed by 20%.
Hurricane: Reduces enemy Endurance by 10% for 15 seconds.
You can get additional effects on armour pieces as well.
The armour effects are as below, they proc when you are hit by a monster (may or may not have an internal cooldown). They don't seem to proc that often but that may change with enchantment levels. Either way, pretty interesting.
Thorngrip: Bleeding. Enemy HP decreases by 351 every 1 second for 5 seconds.
Carapace: Increases Endurance by 10% for 60 seconds.
Lifeswell: Restores 3% of total HP every 1 second for 10 seconds.
For the extra effects it seems you can only reforge leveling weapons and armour pieces that are obtained in instances such as Sinestral Manor or Cultist's Refuge, etc. They are also not tradeable so it's solely for your own use rather than to sell. It would still be fun to play around with extra effects though I think. Test them out and see.
NOTE: When you reforge a weapon into their Flawless versions it will lose their enchants!
Then there are the Bloodhoned gear sets which gives you an enchantable and tradeable version if you manage a critical success while crafting. The enchantable version is the equivalent of Steadfast gear while the non-enchantable will have the same base stats as a Nightforge.

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