美服《Wurm Online》:最新更新带来了帐篷和木构架的墙壁

2014-05-20 585

《Wurm Online》最近更新,帐篷的添加让你的旅程更容易。每个玩家都有一个基本的帐篷,但也会有更高级的帐篷可供建设。








Wurm Online has recently received a new update that makes your journey easier with the addition of Tents. Every player will have a basic one, but there will also be more advanced tents available for construction as well.

Here are the details about tents functionality:

- You can store items, tie a creature, and spawn at them as long as they are placed within your kingdom

- On PvE server you can’t loot other peoples tents, but on the PvP servers these tents will act like other containers as they can be locked

- The basic tent is untradeable and can’t be destroyed, but it doesn’t last long in the wilderness, while the more advanced one can be destroyed

- You will be able to create most of the tents from shafts, cloth, rope and pegs

This update also brings the Timber Frame Walls that can be built using either a mallet or a hammer as long as you meet the Carpentry level requirements. These walls will require wooden beams, mixed grass and clay.

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