美服《荒野星球》:卡宾枪的道歉 这是一个“糟糕的计划”

2014-05-20 1018



随着 Raids DevSpeak的开放周二发生了一系列事件,团队转动齿轮准备发布NRS网页。事后看来,这是一个糟糕的计划。我们的QA团队精神紧绷着为了得到网页测试和发布前的最后期限。专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。


A new post has been made on the official WildStar forum that lays out exactly what happened during last week's Name Reservation System. As many readers know, the system, according to Carbine, "buckled" under the weight of the number of people attempting to access the site. The post explains what happened and winds up with the promise that the team will be working with any and all users who experienced issues.

Our team was poised for the crush of players when we opened the Beta on the 8th, and we didn’t have a single hiccup with that system at all. We’ve processed hundreds of thousands of keys and had a ton of concurrency on that website, and it always held up under the load. Some tech context; we are hosting most of the guts of the key distribution page (and our Name Reservation System) on Amazon AWS instances. So, we were prepared to scale up as need be, but at that time we just didn’t need to. Everything seemed fine.

What happened Tuesday was a series of events starting with the release of our Raids DevSpeak early in the morning. The team pushed that out the door, and then switched gears to ready themselves to publish the NRS webpage. In hindsight, this was a Bad Plan™. Our QA team was already stretched thin in order to get both pages tested on the already-tight, pre-launch deadlines.

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