美服《激战2》积极活泼的游戏世界 重点是事件系统和金币

2014-05-20 796





An active vivid world: Through creating a world which you can hear and see the experiences, Guild Wars 2 would improve the massively multiplayer online role-playing game genre from making a world actively and lively. The focus of the development is the event system and Guild Wars 2 gold, which permit the world to alter on the basic of decisions and actions made by the gamers.

An individual gamer choice could cascade through an area, altering the guide of a line of events till they change the content played by gamers in a map. All gamers that take part in an event can gain some rewards for completing this, players al wish to have cheap Guild Wars 2 gold, everybody who assists blow up a foe catapult or slay a monster would win reputation for doing so. There are no quest camping or kill stealing. Each players concentrate on accomplish then general target of the event and ever players will get rewards.

To aid make sure there is abundant for all the players to do, our events continue scale, therefore the more gamers who appear and take part in the event, the more foes appear to against them. If a group of gamers leave the event, it would scale back down, as a result if could be accomplished by the players who still keep playing it. The fast way to level up is to buy Guild Wars 2 gold. This delicate balance was made by the dynamic scaling system to make sure you get the great and the experience as a reward you should.

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