美服《魔兽世界》派恩高级宠物战斗训练:Merda Stronghoof

2014-05-26 2520

派恩高级宠物战斗训练:Merda Stronghoof
大家注意! 我给大家的任务似乎要结束了,我要被驯兽师们可爱的宠物融化了。闭嘴!
还要我告诉你们多少次他们可爱的外表纯粹是为了迷惑你们?好吧,我会给你一些建议: 吠月行者相当不错,如果我不是要了猫咪的话就会要一只了。但这并不意味着你们可以放松警惕。这里的目标是要将你塑造成更高级、更天赋、更厉害的驯兽大师,比你在艾泽拉斯遇到的更好。

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下一个任务是Merda Stronghoof,和她丑陋的团队。



 Major Payne’s Advanced Pet Battles Training: Merda Stronghoof
Line up and pay attention! Every single training mission I send you on seems to end with me being inundated by cooing over how cute all the tamers’ pets are. Knock it off!
How many times do I need to tell you their looks are purely meant to deceive you? OK, I’ll give you some credit: Moonstalker is pretty awesome, and if I bothered to get myself a kitty, I’d want that one. But this doesn’t make it OK for you to lose your focus! The goal here is to mold you into Master Pet Tamers that are far more advanced, far more talented, and far more capable than the ones you encounter on Azeroth. Far more better!!
Next up is Merda Stronghoof, and her team is ugly. So ugly, in fact, that there isn’t a snowball’s chance in Molten Core that you’ll be a bunch of deer in goblin headlights when you confront them. You like my analogy, don’t ya?!
Bring on the info, Mr. Crithto.
Crithto: Deep within the Cenarion Wildlands in Desolace, you’ll find Ms. Stronghoof near a place called Karnum’s Glade. Her team is made up of Bounder, a level-9 Aquatic; Ambershell, a level-9 Elemental; and Rockhide, a level-9 Critter. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses, and for this mission, you’re going to need to be on your toes! Payne has instructed me to inform you that your team cannot have a pet higher than level 8. Rare quality has never been more important, so be sure to choose wisely. Your lineup will be a level-8 Undead, a level-8 Mechanical, and a level-8 Elemental in that order. Report back here once you’ve succeeded!
Yes, your training is gonna get a lot harder—I warned you people last week, so you can save your crying for Mankrik’s wife.

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