美服《黑暗降临》最新补丁说明 经济相关内容大更新

2014-05-26 1092





 Patch Notes May 21
New Content
Economy Related (Harvesting)
This is one more of the steps we are making to the game economy in which we are addressing the passive harvesting rewards.
High Yield Nodes
In order to promote more active harvesting activities we introduce new special harvesting nodes in selected monster spawn points that are more lucrative than the normal harvesting nodes. These nodes are going to be always full as long only one player is harvesting it. They drop the new rare materials we are introducing instead of the essences in order to give them better harvesting value. By harvesting a special node you can completely skip the rare essence conversion step (see below).
New advanced tools
We introduced new more expensive rare tools (pickaxe, wood axe, sickle, skinning knife) available through construction crafting. These tools offer faster harvesting and less stamina consumption and they also offer 50% of the chance to get the next level rarity material and 100% chance to get the same level and previous materials, for example:
With the normal pickaxe you have 50% chance (of the existing selentine chance drop probability) to get selentine essence from the normal mining nodes and no chance at all to get veilron essence.
With the Selentine pickaxe you have 100% chance to get selentine essence and 50% chance to get veilron essence.
With the Veilron pickaxe you have 100% chance to get selentine and veilron essence and 50% chance to get neithal essence etc. etc.
Of course, the tool chance probability multiplier works on top of the existing node, zone and territory probabilities.
Another special note is that this mechanic is applied to the new high yield nodes as well but for the new rare refined materials instead of the rare essences as the new high yield nodes do not drop essences. The mechanic is also applied on holdings harvesting buildings and on houses harvesting attachments.
The rare skinning knives also use this mechanic on the new special leather node, however, when skinning a monster you will only get the speed and stamina bonuses.

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