美服《暴风英雄》测试版访问是可购买的 数字购买会立即解锁测试访问

2014-05-26 1129






After the newest update, the Battle.net Launcher for Heroes of the Storm mentioned a Heroes Founder's Pack. This digital purchase will unlock beta acess for your account instantly, giving you a Wolf mount made of gold.

Clicking on the link leads to a 404 page not found page at this time and it seems that Blizzard is indeed planning to introduce this purchase sooner than we think. This will be the second time Blizzard will enable beta access on your account for a payment, if you recall the WoW Annual Pass. The Annual Pass though, gave you a WoW mount, Diablo III for free and a guaranteed Mists of Pandaria beta access. The rewards of the Heroes Founder's Pack seem to be well, unrewarding?




After the newest update, the Battle.net Launcher for Heroes of the Storm mentioned a Heroes Founder's Pack. This digital purchase will unlock beta acess for your account instantly, giving you a Wolf mount made of gold.

Clicking on the link leads to a 404 page not found page at this time and it seems that Blizzard is indeed planning to introduce this purchase sooner than we think. This will be the second time Blizzard will enable beta access on your account for a payment, if you recall the WoW Annual Pass. The Annual Pass though, gave you a WoW mount, Diablo III for free and a guaranteed Mists of Pandaria beta access. The rewards of the Heroes Founder's Pack seem to be well, unrewarding?

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