美服《英雄联盟》One For All(单一英雄)模式回归 新增镜像模式

2014-05-27 4498

One For All(单一英雄)模式回归

上次你们使用One For All模式,使敌人化作几缕青烟或是结合在一起形成不可阻挡的力量。有些团队甚至达到不朽。
现在是One For All的时间了:镜像模式!我们将行动转移到咆哮深渊,改变了规则,这样两队的玩家就可以用同样的英雄战斗。
One For All模式的这种更新,英雄的选择则由两队共同进行。投票跟踪器会显示提名英雄——如果某个英雄被提名足够多次,那就选择该英雄。如果没有,我们就会随机从被提名的英雄中选择。如果四人投票给阿木木,三个人选择布里茨, 最后三个选择不同的英雄,那就有40%的可能每个人都扮演阿木木,30%的机会扮演布里茨,奇其余的英雄都有10%的机会!
这种游戏模式的灵感来自大家的反馈,让我们知道你的想法!One for All:镜像模式将从5月29日到6月8日之间可用。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。



 One For All is back with a twist!
Last time you tangoed with One for All, you could nuke the enemy team with five Final Sparks or chain together a series of Unstoppable Forces. Some teams even achieved immortality with back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back Chronoshifts.
Now it’s time for One For All: Mirror Mode! We’ve moved the action to the Howling Abyss and changed the rules so players on both teams clash with the same champ. Soon you’ll really play pinball with Monsoons, dodgeball with Dark Spheres or hide-and-seek with ten times the Noxious Traps.
For this iteration of One For All, champ select is determined by the combined nominations of both teams. A vote tracker shows the nominated champions - if one champ achieves a strict majority, they’re chosen. If not, we base the choice on a weighted random from all the nominated champs, so if four people vote for Amumu, three people pick Blitzcrank and the last three all pick different champs; there’s a 40% chance everyone plays Amumu, a 30% chance everyone plays Blitz and a 10% chance for each of the remaining champs!
After playing your first game, you’ll permanently unlock the One For All icon (it’ll take a few days to hit your account). Additionally, we’ve added a feature to One For All: Mirror Mode that allows you to purchase a Battle Boost for your team during champ select. If you purchase one (150 RP), you’ll temporarily unlock all the chosen champ’s currently available skins for yourself and your allies. Everyone on your team also gets a one game 100 IP boost!
This game mode was inspired by feedback from you guys, so let us know what you think! One For All: Mirror Mode will be live from May 29 through June 8 and we’ll be hanging out on the Community Beta looking for your thoughts and awesome ideas!

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