
2014-05-28 827






The epic battles, amazing visuals, and compelling story all make Guild Wars 2 so much fun. ArenaNet did such a great job designing this MMO, but the real beauty of it didn't hit me till earlier last week. Guild Wars 2 is the only game that's designed in a way that I can not only get some of my friends to play, but also some of my family as well. I finally have a game that I can play with everyone that I care about at the same time!

My friends and I have ventured through dungeons, and have slayed many dragons. Games have always been a part of our lives, so when one of us invites the rest to try a game, we all start to argue about what to name our guild.  Luckily the argument is over before everyone is done installing the game.

I wouldn't say Guild Wars 2 is a super tough game, but it has plenty of ways to focus on giving players a challenge.  The Fractals are especially challenging, and the multiple dungeons paths are a nice treat.  This desire to conquer a difficult game is what drives a seasoned gamer to keep playing, and Guild Wars 2 has ways to feed that desire.  This is exactly how some of my friends got hooked on Guild Wars 2.

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