美服《英雄联盟》“五杀”崛起 一起体验声音的威力吧

2014-05-28 1615

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金属安静的掉落,周围伴着柔柔的低语,你听过这种声音吗? 但仔细听这些低语声,你将找到真理的种子。五种声音。五个破灭的征兆,耐心地等待着他们崛起的时间。在早已定好的日子里,这五个将永远改变你的世界。声波的强悍以前从未登上这样的高度。这些声音已经杀了龙,屠了男爵。他们蹂躏正义之地,将鲁因特纳夷为平地,屠杀了数以百万计的提莫。当他们到来,金属足以毁灭普通人的灵魂,破坏你虚弱的身体。看到面容,听到名字你就已经害怕到颤抖:五杀。
五杀来了……为你。因为你已播种,很快就将收获。 专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。



Pentakill Rises
 You have sown. Soon you shall reap.
You have seen the true voice of metal fall quiet, surrounded by the massed harmonies of your weak whispers. But listen closely to those whispers, and you shall find the seed of truth. Five Four voices. Five harbingers of destruction, waiting patiently for their time to rise. And on that chosen day, these five shall change your world forever. Sonic brutality has never ascended such heights before. These voices have already slain the dragon and butchered the baron. They have ravaged the fields of justice, burned Runeterra to the ground, and slaughtered millions of Teemos. When they come, their breed of metal shall smite your plebian souls and punish your frail bodies. You will cower at their visage and tremble at the name... Pentakill.
And Pentakill is coming... for you. Because you have sown, and soon you shall reap.

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