美服《坦克世界》领土战地图即将调整 新增多国语言

2014-05-29 1365

这些变化将随着9.1更新到来。 专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。



Upcoming Changes to the Clan Wars Map
The North America region has grown quite a lot over the past year and the Clan Wars community is no exception. We've seen two Clan Wars Campaigns and the recent World on Fire event generate a significant growth in interest in Clan Wars, and the time has come to accommodate more Clans on our Clan Wars Global map.
In addition, we've also added official language support for Brazilian Portuguese and Argentinian Spanish, which has resulted in a sizable growth in these communities. We will also be adjusting the Prime Times available in our region in order to better facilitate this growth.
New Provinces
We will be adding 50 new provinces to the North America region, covering Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. You can see the complete list of provinces that are being added below.
Defining a Better "Training Area"
An additional change that is being introduced at this time will be a re-adjustment of province incomes in the Arctic Circle. This lower-income area will be less attractive to the more experienced clans due to the better opportunities offered elsewhere on the map, and will allow newer and less-experienced clans a better opportunity to face other clans that are roughly at the same competitive level.
New Prime Times
There will be two new Prime Times added to our Clan Wars map with this update, both of which will be earlier than the current set that is in use. This will allow our players on the East Coast, who prefer to play earlier in the day, and our growing South American population to play Clan Wars at times that are more favorable.
Re-Balancing the Existing Time Zones
We have also taken this opportunity to balance the prime times across the Clan Wars map according to several factors, such as the total number of provinces, Gold value, high value targets, and landing provinces.
These changes will be made along with the 9.1 update to World of Tanks. There will be a short downtime associated with the launch, followed by a small launch event with several missions for clans to complete on the Global Map itself.
More specific details about the missions for this event will be available in a separate article to be published next week.

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