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2014-06-04 1376



*Beta Ray Bill





MMORPG.com and Gazillion Entertainment have partnered up to give away 10 Marvel Heroes 2014 Team-Up Advance Packs in celebration of the game's first anniversary this week.

Team Ups are a feature in Marvel Heroes that allow you to summon certain Marvel characters to aid you in battle. These characters can be used actively or passively and each have a number of different powers to select from.

The 2014 Team-Up Advance Pack includes:

*Beta Ray Bill

The pack also grants a number of exclusives, such as the Deadpool the Kid enhanced costume for Deadpool, Arachne (Black Suit Spider-Woman) team-up, and five team-up gear find boosts.
That's awesome, but how do I enter? Simple! Just tell us which team-ups from the pack you're most excited to see in Marvel Heroes and why and we'll select 10 winners tomorrow afternoon.
Post your submissions in the comments below, but please only make a single entry. Users found to have made duplicate entries will be disqualified.

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