美服《神界:原罪》推迟十天至6月30日发布 留下更多时间做好收尾工作

2014-06-07 1014





Larian Studios has announced that Divinity: Original Sin will be delayed slightly from June 20th to June 30th. According to press information, the delay is to give the team a bit more time to put in the "finishing touches" before release.

While Divinity: Original Sin has been going through rigorous testing thanks to a huge community playing on Steam Early Access, there are still a few more finishing touches required before launch. The team wants to deliver the best possible game at release, rather than a game they're not 100% happy with, and will use the extra time to add voice-overs for a range of characters, as well as a number of bug fixes to make for a well-polished experience.

Players who have purchased a copy of the game via Steam Early Access will still be able to enjoy it until release, and Larian apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause players who have been patiently waiting for Original Sin's release.

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