
2014-06-10 1874




Lineage 2 : Next Expansion, Ertheia, Announced
NCSoft has announced the next Lineage II expansion. Called "Ertheia", the expansion is expected to launch later this summer. Ertheia is a new playable race that will be introduced into the game as well as new hunting zones and much more.

Ertheia, born of the wind, were created by the god Sayha. Renowned for their beauty, everyone longed to keep them near. But like the wind itself, they never wanted to stay in one place for very long, and suffered if they were confined. For ages, the Ertheia made their home in the Wind Spirit Realm, away from interaction with the Material Realm. But a catastrophic event has thrust Faeron Village into Aden. And now these graceful, deadly warriors find themselves engaged in a life-or-death battle against Shilen in a strange place.

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