美服《激战2》定制竞技场现可用金币购买 方便玩家积累资源

2014-06-10 946

我们很高兴地宣布,从6月17日开始,使用金币而不是宝石就可以购买定制竞技场 !
记住,你可以在任意定制竞技场使用时间标记,不管拥有该竞技场的人是谁。如果你真心喜欢某个竞技场,你可以通过增加其时间来支持它以及它的主人。 游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。


 Buy Custom Arenas with Gold!
We’re pleased to announce that from June 17 onward, you’ll be able to buy custom arenas with gold instead of gems!
We have always seen custom Arenas as an important tool for bringing the PvP community together. This change will make it much easier for groups of players to pool their resources and work together to create and maintain a custom arena.
In the Heart of the Mists, you’ll find a new vendor called The Arena Vendor who will offer custom arena starter kits for 200 gold and time tokens for 2 gold.
Remember that you can use a custom arena time token on any custom arena that you are playing in, regardless of who owns that arena. If there’s a custom arena that you really enjoy or call home, you can support that arena and its owner by adding time to it!

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