美服《阿斯特罗之王》封测正式开始 发送邮件即获测试码

2014-06-12 962

《Astro Lords:Oort Cloud》封测开始
我们已经收到消息,《Astro Lords:Oort Clou》第一轮封闭beta测试正式拉开帷幕。感兴趣的玩家只需要发邮件到开发团队即可获得完全测试访问权限。
我们很高兴地宣布《Astro Lords:Oort Cloud》封闭测试A已经启动,测试人员可获得完全访问游戏的权限。构建!射击!突袭!
如果你没有得到测试码,别担心! 现在参与还不是太迟。只需发送电子邮件到support@bisbog.com让我们知道你想要测试码即可,我们会尽快给你发送。


 Astro Lords: Oort Cloud : Closed Beta Begins
 We have received word that the first round of closed beta testing for Astro Lords: Oort Cloud has officially kicked off. Interested players need only email the Astro Lords team to receive full access to the beta.

We’re excited to announce that the Closed Beta Test for Astro Lords: Oort Cloud has now launched and testers have full access to the beta version of the game. Build! Shoot! Raid!

If you don’t have a beta key yet, don’t worry! It isn’t too late to take part. Just email support@bisbog.com to let us know you’d like a key and we’ll send it out to you ASAP

As beta testers, your experiences and feedback are vital to making Astro Lords: Oort Cloud the best it can be. If you run into any bugs, or want to share ideas for the game, please do so either by:

Posting in the Forum, or
Using the in-game Message system and clicking “To Support”.


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