美服《魔兽世界》战火梦魇兽飞进了商店 可在游戏内部使用

2014-06-12 1706





World of Warcraft players can now purchase the Warforged Nightmare from the in-game shop. For $30, players get the steed itself and the Nightmareish Hitching Post that allows an entire party or raid to transform their mounts into Warforged Steeds for a limited period of time.

Charge into battle astride a Warforged Nightmare, unleashing unbridled chaos upon your enemies! Those who own this terrifying steed, crafted from cold steel and vengeful spirits by grandmaster smiths, are also able to place a Nightmarish Hitching Post. This mysterious artifact has the power to summon a Warforged Nightmare for every member of your war party strong enough to handle the reins and worthy enough to be given the honor.

The Warforged Nightmare mount is available now from the in-game Shop as well as the Battle.net Shop.

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