美服《范海辛的惊奇之旅2》 第一个DLC发布 增加四个新领域

2014-06-14 816

美服《范海辛的惊奇之旅2》 第一个DLC发布 增加四个新地图




Neocore Games has announced that the first DLC for The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II has been released. The new content features four maps, each with its own unique area and story. The DLC sells for $4.99 on Steam.

Fellow Hunters! On this ominous Friday the 13th you are invited to enter the dark material of creation and dreams, known as the Ink by many. Legends say it was used to write the world into being at the dawn of time. Face new challenges in Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt, now available on Steam for $4.99, while discovering the four new areas and the secrets they hide: Sanctuary, Island of Bones, Inkheart Mines and Crystal Bastion.

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